dinsdag 12 april 2011

openSUSE AD joining

Works like a charm, as long as the dns resolving configuration is edited as follows:
hosts: files dns
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

Else the DC cannot be found.

donderdag 7 april 2011

Drupal 6 to 7 upgrade menu drama

Well, it took some time to figure out that according to some people in the Drupal development team disappearing menu items can be considered an undocumented feature...

To quote these very helpful people on the Drupal bugtracker (http://drupal.org/node/761648):
"This is just a normal bug, annoying but not a release blocker, easily fixed by configuration."
"yeah there is no significant subsystem broken here. And has nada to do with D7 upgrade.... just a bug."


Especially since the fix is quite simple and could have been documented very easily in UPDATE.TXT (since this behaviour was known some 6 months before the Drupal 7 release): just re-enable the menu's in /admin/structure/types for each content type you want to be able to point a menu entry to...