woensdag 18 mei 2011

Tine2.0 on a shared host experience

If you cannot set php ini values through the htaccess files, then you have to get a bit creative:

In index.php and setup.php add:


And after that, enable the magic_quotes_gpc hack:
1. Uncomment magic_quotes_gpc Hack in setup.php
2. Uncomment magic_quotes_gpc Hack in index.php
3. Change in Setup/Controller.php

// check php environment
$requiredIniSettings = array(
'magic_quotes_sybase' => 0,
'magic_quotes_gpc' => 1,
'magic_quotes_runtime' => 0,
'mbstring.func_overload' => 0,
'eaccelerator.enable' => 0,
'memory_limit' => '48M'

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