zondag 30 mei 2010

XFCE and NetworkManager

On openSUSE 11.2, XFCE is my desktop environment of choice for my sweet little precious Acer Aspire One (simply because only starting Plasma drains the accu way to fast!).
But, there are some little quirks (really?) one has to circumvent:
  • For NetworkManager only KNetworkManager is installed (which requires quite a lot of additional Qt and KDE stuff preloaded), so installing NetworkManager for GNOME (nm-applet) is a wise choice here.
  • If that is installed, make sure in the XFCE Startup and Session configuration Staring GNOME services is enabled.
  • Then use run program to start nm-applet
  • Now refresh your dns cache with /etc/init.d/nscd restart
Then it should just work!

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